Disability, Employment, and Public Policies​ Initiative (DEPPI)

Disability, Employment, and Public Policies​ Initiative (DEPPI)

DEPPI’s qualitative interviews

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DEPPI’s team is currently conducting interviews with people living with motor and visual disabilities and hard of hearing or deaf people. Conducted by the researcher Normand Boucher, the overriding objective of this study is to document perceptions, attitudes and experiences in relation to the employment and labour market of these people. Initiated in November 2019, the interview implementation was able to reach so far, over 75 people living in the province of Québec and New Brunswick. This project will continue until December 2020. By then, the DEPPI would like to conduct 500 interviews. In order to start the analysis with different collaborators, a first-time virtual seminar about the codification will be held on April 16, 2020. It will be led by one of the DEPPI’s co-researcher, Charles Gaucher, from the University of Moncton. ​

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