Disability, Employment, and Public Policies​ Initiative (DEPPI)

Disability, Employment, and Public Policies​ Initiative (DEPPI)

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DEPPI (the Disability, Employment, and Public Policies Initiative) is a multidisciplinary project aiming to improve the understanding of the preparation, integration, access, participation, and job retention of people with disabilities. The work of DEPPI is based on evidence from field experiments, administrative records, and detailed interviews with employers and people living with physical disabilities. DEPPI wishes to contribute to the scientific literature in various fields by publishing research papers and articles in scientific journals.

cv video
Video Resumes and Job Search Outcomes : Evidence from a Field Experiment

We evaluate the efficiency of video resumes using a large scale field experiment. We randomly sent applications to 2021 private firms posting vacancies across…

Disability discrimination and the effectiveness of hiring subsidies: A job-search approach

In this article we study the effect of discrimination in the hiring of persons with disabilities on the effectiveness of public policies (wage subsidies). We…

Monetary and non-monetary incentives for workers living with disabilities: a field study

The present study aims to determine whether the workers living with disabilities react in the same way to monetary and non-monetary incentives compared with…

Employment of people with disabilities: A program evaluation of the Work Integration Contract

In this research project, we draw a portrait of the employment situation of people with disabilities by means of Canadian Survey on Disability (CSD) in order to…

wheelchair 2
Employment assistance programs and exiting Social Assistance Program for people with a severely limited capacity for employment

The objective of this memoir is to evaluate the effectiveness of employment assistance programs for recipients with a severely limited capacity for employment…

wheelchair 1
Analysis of determinants of a declaration of a severely limited capacity for employment

The Social Assistance Program recipients with a temporary limited health capacity benefit from a monthly payment of $828. The Ministry also proposes a…

Work-life-balance experiences of workers with motor disabilities and the effects on their socio-professional trajectories

Our thesis project seeks to provide a clearer understanding of the work-life-balance experiences of workers with disabilities and their consequences on their…

Directory of assistance programs for people with disabilities in New Brunswick and the province of Québec

This directory, which was finalized in autumn 2019, identifies many federal and provincial assistance programs for people with disabilities living in New…

Chaise roulante
Physical Disability and Labor Market Discrimination: Evidence from a Field Experiment

We investigate the determinants and extent of labor market discrimination toward people with acute physical disabilities (wheelchair users) using data from a…

Social and personal challenges related to job search encountered by people with motor, visual and/or hearing disabilities

Working is a basic vehicle of social participation for people living with disabilities. However, their labour market access is often hindered by physical,…

The perception of people living with disabilities towards job-seeking support

Access to the labour market for people with disabilities still represents one of their major challenges.

According to Statistics Canada (2011),…

Study on discrimination: a field survey

The main subject of this master’s thesis is to figure out if handicapped people are subject to discrimination when employers choose whom to invite for an…

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