Disability, Employment, and Public Policies​ Initiative (DEPPI)

Disability, Employment, and Public Policies​ Initiative (DEPPI)


Dans le cadre de sa stratégie de dissémination des activités et des résultats de recherche, le DEPPI produira une série de capsules vidéo : (1) des rapports de progressions relatant les activités de l’initiative, (2) des vidéos vulgarisant la recherche et les résultats et (3) des capsules expliquant les recommandations de politiques publiques issues de la recherche.

As a part of its strategy to disseminate research activities and results, DEPPI will produces a series of progress reports about the initiative activities.

Ibrahima Diallo is a doctoral student in Economics at the Université Laval. In this presentation, he highlights the results of one of the chapters of his thesis concerning discrimination’s effect on public policy effectiveness.

Elfried Toba presents her memoir which focuses on disabled people’s employment in Canada. In this presentation, she provides a picture of the labour market for people with disabilities in comparison with people without disabilities.

Marie-Pierre Rancourt presents her memoir which focuses on the effectiveness of employment assistance programs for Social Assistance and Social Solidarity recipients living with a severely limited capacity for employment. She also presents her findings that effectiveness varies significantly among programs and from one recipient to another.

DEPPI relies on the involvement of its different partners. They contribute to project development and participate actively in financing the initiative. The partnership’s research agenda is driven by the interests of its partners who all agreed to play a key role in the organization’s governance.

As a part of its strategy to disseminate research activities and results, DEPPI will produce a series of progress reports about the initiative activities.

On 2 October 2019, in the Groupe TAQ’s premises, the DEPPI’s researchers and partners are going to to discuss the progress made in the first year of the partnership and to plan upcoming activities for the second year.

On 21 September 2018, researchers and partners of the Disability, Employment, and Public Policy Initiative gathered to celebrate the funding announcement of the second project phase.

As a part of its strategy to disseminate research activities and results, DEPPI will produce a series of progress reports about the initiative activities.

DEPPI relies on the involvement of its different partners. They contribute to project development and participate actively in financing the initiative. The partnership’s research agenda is driven by the interests of its partners who all agreed to play a key role in the organization’s governance.

The DEPPI would like to conduct interviews of about 90 minutes with representatives of the human resources of large organizations in Quebec. These interviews will focus on the perceptions and challenges associated with integrating people with disabilities. To join the DEPPI team and participate in the study, contact manuel.paradis.1@ulaval.ca.

Conference entitled "Difficulties of employability of people with disabilities: a field survey." Presented on December 5, 2017 during Université Laval's Social Science Research Week.

DEPPI’s logo illustrates the partnership’s main objective: to produce public policy solutions that promote the employability of people with disabilities in an evolving labour market.The steep, pale-coloured slopes in the logo represent the adversities that people living with disabilities experience. The work of DEPPI aims to make these slopes less sheer; this is represented by the darker colours. The logo’s main colours call back to the red and gold of Université Laval, the project’s host institution. The grey evokes the complexity of the various issues addressed by the initiative’s researchers and partners.


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